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Male, 37 years, born on 29 June 1987

Not looking for a job

Karaganda, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips


  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule

Work experience 9 years 8 months

May 2019October 2019
6 months
SDM-KZ (СДМ-КЗ) LLP, SamaraDorMash Group of Companies (Russia)

Astana, sdm-sam.ru/

Sales Manager
- Negotiations with top executives of companies, identification of decision-makers and work with receivables; - The solution of non-standard situations, stress resistance; - Sale of Asphalt Concrete Plants (ABZ), as well as their modernization and restoration for the construction and repair of roads (Asphalt Concrete Plants (ABZ), Soil-mixing plants, Concrete plants, Bituminous farming); - Sale of spare parts, as well as consumables for them; - Maintaining a customer base in the CRM system, 1C, billing for payment; - Work throughout Kazakhstan; - Frequent business trips in Kazakhstan; - Implementation of sales plans; - Implementation of sales plans; - Control of delivery of goods to the buyer's warehouse; - Implementation of a full cycle of customer support (from initial customer consultation, the provision of commercial offers, conclusion of contracts, sale of equipment and spare parts, delivery to the customer, warranty support).
November 2013May 2019
5 years 7 months
Virazh LLP

Karaganda, virazh.kz/

Automotive Business... Show more

Senior sales manager
- The presence of a power of attorney from the director of the branch to conclude contracts up to 15 million tenge; - Deputy director of the branch during his absence, as well as participation in the meeting of directors during absence time of the branch director; - Organization of the car dealership, meetings, task setting, as well as performance monitoring; - Maintaining a client base in the CRM system, working in the corporate "Cloud" program; - The decision of non-standard situations; - Negotiations with top executives of companies, identification of decision-makers and work with receivables; - Control over the execution of orders from the head office and brand holders (the number of brand holders is 7); - Interaction between branches (the number of branches is 14), brand holders, a tender department, a logistics department, a spare parts shop and a car service; - Reporting to head office and brand owners; - Fulfillment of set sales plans by brand owners; - Applications for replenishment of warehouses to brand holders, control of stock balances; - Monthly inventory of equipment in the warehouse; - Customs clearance of arrived equipment; - Control over the reception-transmission and restoration of equipment; - Promotion of a corporate leasing program; - Implementation of a full cycle of customer support (from the initial consultation of clients, the provision of commercial offers, conclusion of contracts, the sale of additional equipment, the issuance of cars to customers, up to registering clients for maintenance).
June 2013November 2013
6 months
SB Sberbank JSC

Karaganda, www.sberbank.kz/

Financial Sector... Show more

Credit Officer, Small Business Unit
- Lending advice to potential clients; - Organization of work to increase the share of lending customers of the Bank Branch; - Implementation of a complete loan procedure (from the initial interview to the loan till dossier to the archive); - Monitoring targeted use of borrowed funds; - Carrying out financial monitoring of the borrower, checking the creditworthiness of the Bank's client; - Reporting on issued and repaid loans; - Conducting daily monitoring of repayment by borrowers of obligations to the Bank; - Control over the status of property provided as collateral; - Drawing up a reasoned judgment on the amount of provision (reserve) formed on the loan and placement to credit dossier; - Carrying out activities to identify problem debt; - Work on repayment of overdue debts.
March 2010May 2013
3 years 3 months
Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A. Buketov, Karaganda

Karaganda, www.ksu.kz/

Educational Institutions... Show more

Software engineer
• software installation; • network channel setup; • major and partial repair of computers as soon as possible; • ensuring uninterrupted operation of entrusted computers; • installation and commissioning of peripheral devices.


Skill proficiency levels
Sales Skills
Communication skills
Capital Market
high motivation
stress resistance
Readiness to take responsibility

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B, C

About me

Kazakh, married, 3 children (2 daughters and a son), citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Without bad habbits. Quickly trained, sociable, responsive, hardworking, energetic, responsible, purposeful, executive.

Higher education (master)

Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A. Buketov, Karaganda
Faculty of Economics, Economics
Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A. Buketov, Karaganda
Faculty of Economics, Tourism



EnglishB1 — Intermediate

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

«IBS Consulting Group» LLP
«IBS Consulting Group» LLP, Effective sales. Personal performance management
LLC «Commercial Vehicles» GAZ Group
LLC «Commercial Vehicles» GAZ Group, Sales - Level 1
LLC «Commercial Vehicles» GAZ Group
LLC «Commercial Vehicles» GAZ Group, Sales - Level 2
Higher School of Economics in Prague
Higher School of Economics in Prague, Marketing in Tourism
Amadeus International Booking System
Amadeus International Booking System, Basic "Amadeus" Course
Regional Sports Tourism Club
Regional Sports Tourism Club, 3rd category in sports tourism

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter